Raja Ampat 2013

Raja Ampat 2013
In September 2013 we will be journeying to indonesia in the West Papua area, to the islands of Raja Ampat,. There we will spend 2 weeks kayaking this tropical paradise, camping and staying in village homestays.

Go to the Map Page to view our proposed route and also live on SPOT.

Monday 18 June 2012


Sunday 17th June

From a fine afternoon yesterday, the rain came in overnight and travelling up the river/lake valleys in this region was quite wet at times. In breaks in the weather the views over Lake Shuswup were spectacular.
Lake Shuswup
In Sicamous we stopped for a break and checked out the boat launching area. The lake had crept up and inundated part of the park. 
A park in Sicamous on the river - guess we won't be sitting here for our morning coffee!
A great idea in Sicamous for boating on the lake

Shortly afterward we encountered a long line of traffic where there had been a delay due to landslips 8km short of Revelstoke (so nearly 70km away). The truckie behind us reported that the slip occurred 14 hours before and he expected only another 20 minutes delay. The cafĂ©/go-cart facility next to where we stopped had the opportunity to make a killing but didn’t seem quite prepared and about a half hour later we were off again, just as the rain began again. 
Traffic waiting for the road to reopen
It got quite heavy through 3Peaks Gap and we could see the lake rather close to the level of the road. 

Plenty of snow still on Mt Begbie and Mount Revelstoke – the Meadows in the Sky is still closed. We got accommodation at Glacier House Resort - with fabulous views of the glaciers on top of Mt Begbie (except it keeps disappearing into the mist).

Glacier House Resort
Between the snow-melt and rain the Columbia River was running strongly and the Revelstoke dam was releasing water. The Art Gallery was shut so we adjourned to The Last Drop – an English-style pub, to sample the local Mt Begbie Brewing brew (very tasty) – Tall Timber, Knocker Bock and Nasty Habits. The menu here had a variety of burgers and local favourites. Poutain featured – also in burger form. There was also a Mountain Man burger which was 40oz meat pattie with all the trimmings – the idea was to eat it within an hour to get it for free and be entered in the hall of fame – none of us was keen to take up there challenge. The Aussie burger featured beets and pineapple (of course!) but there were quite a few more gourmet options.

Here we are at The Last Drop
Diane enjoying a brew

1 comment:

  1. You skipped the Mountain Man Burger?? That's a $29 dosage of pure awesome! AND they had Poutine on the menu there, too!! Ooohh, the Deep-fried, cream cheese-filled jalapeno peppers looks good too!!

    Hope you're having an awesome time so far!
