Raja Ampat 2013

Raja Ampat 2013
In September 2013 we will be journeying to indonesia in the West Papua area, to the islands of Raja Ampat,. There we will spend 2 weeks kayaking this tropical paradise, camping and staying in village homestays.

Go to the Map Page to view our proposed route and also live on SPOT.

Saturday 28 September 2013

A journey of many airports

Arriving in Sorong in the morning I am slightly amazed that all the flights have aligned and we are actually in West Papua! 
The only hiccup was the first flight to Sydney where we sat for a while then de-planed for one that worked (qantas).
Very smooth trip through Indonesian Customs in Jakarta and no problems finding our way between flights.
We couldn't see much of Makassar at 4am, but with the sunrise the archipelago is laid out below us as the plane flies into the rising sun.
Our first Indonesian breakfast is airplane food (rice, chicken, a muffin, jelly, prawn crackers & water) but quite tasty & a bit of chilli sauce at 6am wakes me up though I think I need a coffee after 24hrs on the move!

Thursday 12 September 2013

Raja Ampat - the Journey begins

Tomorrow morning we are away!

We are flying out for Indonesia and by a circuitous route we will (hopefully) arrive in Raja Ampat Saturday evening. It is basically 4 flights and 2 boat rides to get to Kri Island./

The plan is to circumnavigate Gam Island over 12 days (see the Map page). We have hired kayaks from Kayak4Conservation, who are also providing a guide and organised the pickup from the ferry & accommodation.

I doubt there will be much access to wifi, or even cell phone service, but I'll update where possible. We plan on using the SPOT Connect, which will give our position each day. Don't be too concerned if we miss a day - we have a tendency towards user error! The link to the SPOT map is on the right hand side of the blog.